BiosysFoodEng 2023
5th International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering
ISBN 978-615-01-8151-6
- Arbenita Hasani Rexhepi, Muhamet Zogaj, Kaltrina Berisha, Endrit Hasani, Zoltan Kovacs: The role of honey’s botanical and geographical origin in its concentrations of macro and micro minerals E501, pp.1
- Adrienn Varga-Tóth, Tamás Csurka; Karina Hidas; Majd Elayan; Munkhnasan Enkhbold; Anikó Boros; Csaba Németh: Development of an egg white based semi-hard cheese replacement: the investigation of techno-functional attributes E502, pp.1
- Meltem Boylu, Géza Hitka, György Kenesei: Effect of alternative pre-treatments and fermentation on quality characteristics of oyster mushrooms E503, pp.10
- Efaishe Tweuhanga Angaleni Kavela, Mónika Máté, Lilla Szalóki-Dorkó: The effectiveness of selected solvents and parameters for extraction of polyphenols from chokeberry pomace E504, pp.8
- Zulkarnain Abdul Hannan Bin, Zoltán Kókai, Attila Gere: Comparison of traditional and virtual reality sensory testing E505, pp.1
- Bence Tarr, Szabó István, Tőzsér János: Estimation of important milk constituents from milk samples using artificial intelligence E506, pp.7
- Stefan Savo Micevic, Erika Bujna, Nguyen Duc Quang: Screening of filamentous fungi strains for L-asparaginase activity E507, pp.1
- Luziana Hoxha, Malollari, I.: Experimental study on figs sun-drying: a traditional renewable, cheap and environmentaly friendly technique E508, pp.8
- Attila Csighy, Moh Moh Zin, Adrienn Tóth, Szilvia Bánvölgyi, Krisztina Takács, András Koris, Arijit Nath: Beetroot Juice fortified Stirred Type of Yogurt from Enzyme hydrolyzed milk – Antioxidant, Casein antigenicity and Color perspectives E509, pp.1
- Mukaddes Kılıç Bayraktar and İlkay Buran: Health Benefits of Lactarius delicious Type Mushroom and Its Use in Functional Products E510, pp.1
- Jagoda Szafrańska, B., Sołowiej, M. Nastaj: Testing different fibres as a replacement of typical hydrocolloids in innovative food product formulation E511, pp.1
- Janez Cerez: Why measured osmolality of alcoholic beverages does not reflect their true tonicity and how better estimate of their effective osmolality might be obtained E512, pp.1
- Maciej Nastaj, Sołowiej,B., Szafrańska, J.,Terpiłowski, K., Kucia, W., Tomasevic, I.B., Peréz-Huertas, S.: The development and physical properties of high-protein, sugar-free macarons obtained from whey protein isolate and erythritol E513, pp.1
- Abena Boakye, Faustina Dufie Wireko-Manu, Ibok Oduro, William Otoo Ellis, María Gudjónsdóttir and Ioannis S. Chronakis: Development of Consumer-Acceptable Ready-to-Prepare Complementary Porridge Blend from Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) E514, pp.8
- Sandrina B. Moreria, Adrienn Varga-Tóth: A cocreation method on healthy lifestyle for youngsters – some cooperative results on three semester’s cocreation E515, pp.1
- Ákos Kilin, Cs., Kohári-Farkas, V., N., Ha Vu, G., Laszlovszky, N., D., Quang: Biodegradation modelling of polylactic acid-based biopolymer by Thermobifida consortium E516, pp.1
- Anisa Peculi; Alketa Shehaj; Onejda Kycyk, Fatbardha Lamce, Xhensila Luzi, Anxhela Naka: The effect of different roasting degrees in bioactive compounds content in coffee beans E517, pp.1
- Areej Alsobh, Gyula Vatai, Szilvia Bánvölgyi: Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes in Concentration of Hawthorn Fruit and Anise Seed Extract E518, pp.8
- V. Farkas, R. Zelkó, P. Gordon, Z. Kovács, B. Kállai-Szabó: Whole cricket powder as a sustainable protein binder in pancake baking E520, pp.1
- Bázár György, Éles Viktória, Hingyi Hajnalka, Csavajda Éva, Tóth Tamás, Gillay Zoltán, Kovács Zoltán, Gillay Bíborka, Ajtony Zsolt, Lakatos Erika, Teodorescu Răzvan, Barbulescu Iuliana-Diana: Detection of some wine flaws with rapid correlative analytical methods – preliminary results E521, pp.1
- Csenge Madácsi, Barabara Biró, Tamás Somogyi and Viktória Zsom-Muha: Investigation of soaking juice produced by ultrasound-assisted soaking of chickpeas E522, pp.1
- Blerta, Mehmedi,. Rreze, M, Gecaj,. Curtis, R, Youngs,. Taulant, Kastrati,. Armend, Cana,. Behlul, Behluli: Antibiotic residue in raw milk collected from collection points and marketplaces in Peja region E523, pp.1
- Dorina Szakál, Orsolya Fehér and Attila Gere: Information content of front-of-pack nutrition label. Case study with breakfast cereals E524, pp.1
- Chaimae El Hathat, Judit Kosztik, Ildikó Bata-Vidács: Isolation of lactic acid bacteria from faeces of pigs and their antagonistic effects on the growth of toxin producing aspergillus flavus strains E525, pp.1
- Arbenita Hasani, Ardona Morina, Endrit Hasani: Color intensity and carotenoids contents of different honey’s botanical origin E526, pp.1
- Fanni Zakariás, Belma Bajramović, Zaher Almoheb, István Dalmadi, Gabriella Kiskó: Investigation of injured cells due to minimal processing E527, pp.1
- Faraja Deo Gonelimali, Beatrix Szabó-Nótin, Mónika Máté: Resin purification of polyphenols from the crude extracts of apple pomace for potential use as natural food additives E528, pp.8
- Firas Alarawi, Botond Süli, Erika Bujna, Olivia Csernus, László Friedrich, Quang D. Nguyen: Effect of pH and temperature on the hydrolytic activities of some commercial endo-proteinases E529, pp.1
- G. Szabó, Zs. Horváth-Mezőfi, Z. Sasvár, M. Göb, L.L.P. Nguyen, T. Zsom, G. Hitka: Variation of the gas diffusion rate by changing the microperforation area of the packaging foil in modified atmosphere packaging E530, pp.1
- G. Sipiczki, E. Bujna: Effect of agitation speeds on lipase production by Yarrowia yeasts E531, pp.1
- Mónika Göb, Zoltán Sasvár, Zsuzsanna Horváth-Mezőfi, Gergő Szabó, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, Tamás Zsom, Géza Hitka: Effect of Argon gas on sliced iceberg lettuce during storage E532, pp.1
- Nguyen Le Phuong Lien, Ha Thi Thanh Nga, Mac Xuan Hoa, Hitka Géza, Zsom Tamás: Effect of maturity stages and 1-MCP on postharvest quality of apricot E533, pp.9
- Nga Thi Thanh Ha, Thanh Tung Pham, Hoa Xuan Mac, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, Quang Duc Nguyen, László Ferenc Friedrich, Adrienn Tóth and Csaba Németh: Effects of cold storage on the freshness of egg and microcracks of eggshell E534, pp.1
- Zsuzsanna Horváth-Mezőfi, Gergő Szabó, Mónika Göb, Zoltán Sasvár, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, Koppány Majzinger, Géza Hitka, Tamás Zsom: Effect of 1-MCP treatment on tomato photosynthetic chlorophyll activity during storage E535, pp.9
- Elena Kokthi, Arbenita Hasani and Iliriana Miftari: Fast food consumption among Albanian adolescents E536, pp.1
- J. Mihalkó, B. Erdei, T. Kulcsár, E. Szőke-Trenyik, B. P. Szabó, G. Zsarnóczay, L. F. Friedrich: Comparative analysis of Bologna sausages made from turkey meat raw material E537, pp.1
- Juan Pablo Aguinaga Bósquez, Chiamaka Adinnu, Zoltan Gillay, Zoltan Kovacs: Development of climate chambers for the monitoring of the growing process of sunflower sprouts under temperature and humidity stressing factors using NIRS E538, pp.1
- Kálmán Botond Süli, Erika Bujna, Firas Alarawi, Quang D. Nguyen: Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of fermented proteins by different lactic acid bacteria strains E539, pp.1
- Hidas, K. I., Sakpan, A., Nyulas-Zeke, I. Cs., Varga-Tóth, A., Visy, A., Elayan, M., Németh, Cs.: Study of the effect of lipase enzyme preparations on the rheological changes of liquid whole egg during freezing E540, pp.1
- Abdisa, K.B., A. Csighy, E. Szerdahelyi, A. Koris, A. Nath: Bovine milk protein-derived peptides and Metabolic syndrome E541, pp.1
- Klotilda Marku, Renata Kongoli: Quality assessment of alcoholic distillates produced and marketed in Albania. E542, pp.6
- Hristovski, K., Bujna, E., Nguyen, Q.D.: Optimisation of fermentation parameters and cell disruption methods for production of intracellular β-Galactosidase by probiotic Limosilactobacillus fermentum LF08 bacterium E543, pp.1
- Divéky-Ertsey, A., Csambalik, L., Deák, A., Zsom-Muha, V.: Changes in the physical parameters of organic and conventional carrots during household storage E544, pp.1
- Lukács M., Vasné Hűvös É., Kovács Z.: The feasibility of an electronic tongue coupled with chemometrics in the taste-masking of polyphenolic dietary supplements E545, pp.1
- X.H. Mac, T.T.N. Ha, T.T. Pham, L.P.L. Nguyen and L. Baranyai: A novel approach for determining coconut drink adulteration by means of laser-light backscattering imaging E546, pp.11
- Regis, Maj, Ramirez Maj, Geösel, A.: Mushroom powder as potential additive to a nutrient-dense food for humanitarian emergencies: a review E547, pp.1
- Mohammed Omer Mustafa, Zita Magdolna Szalai, László Csambalik: Assessment of the Nutritional Parameters of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Genotypes Under Hedgerow Conditions, preliminary study E548, pp.8
- Munkhnasan Enkhbold, Attila Lőrincz, Majd Elayan, László Friedrich, Attila Solymosi, Balázs Wieszt, Jáni Kornél, Adrienn Tóth: Comparison of the effect of organic acid mixture on quality parameters of red deer and beef E549, pp.7
- de Jonge, N., T., Kaszab, K. Badak-Kerti: Physical properties of different nut butters E550, pp.8
- O. Haykir, G. Mathijssen, R. Forrez: Food Safety and Quality Assessment of an Automated Vending Machine for Smoothies-A Case Study E551, pp.8
- Patrícia Erdei-Tombor, Mouki Abel Mwiwi, Csaba Hős, Tamás Huzsvár, Gabriella Kiskó, Andrea Taczman-Brückner: Biofilm formation on model surfaces of drinking water distribution system E552, pp.1
- S. Kassebi, P. Korzenszky: Effects of Room Temperature Storage on Color and Weight of Golden Delicious Apples E553, pp.1
- Thanh Tung Pham, Zinabu Hailu Siyum, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, László Baranyai: Assessment of the Quality of Green Asparagus (Asparagus officinali L.) Treated by Cassava Starch-Based Coating using Laser Scattering E554, pp.12
- Kumar P., Székely D., Szalóki-Dorkó, L., Keresztúri, J., Máté M: Phenolic profile, color parameters and antioxidant activity of walnut kernel extracts as influenced by different time and temperature during extraction E555, pp.10
- Reem Mourad, Isam Aljanabi, Barbara Csehi, Erika Bujna: Development of a non-dairy Probiotics drink from egg white-based product mixed with different fruit juices E556, pp.1
- Reem Mourad, Barbara Csehi, László Friedrich, Quang Duc Nguyen, Erika Bujna: Studying the shelf-life of probiotics fermented egg white drink using prebiotics E557, pp.8
- R. Végh, M. Csóka, L. Sipos: Antioxidant-rich fruit powders as potential functional ingredients in white chocolates E558, pp.1
- Hasani, A., Gecaj, RM.: Listeria monocytogenes occurrence in Kosovo cheese samples E559, pp.1
- Aliu H., Gecaj RM., Kumru S., Balta ZD., Balta F.: Clostridium botulinum occurrence in Kosovo honey samples E560, pp.1
- Homolya, Sz., Badakné, K. K., Vozáry, E., Kaszab, T., Lambertné, M. A.: Preliminary experiments for the rheological study of oleogels E561, pp.1
- Somogyi, T.; Vozáry, E; Zsomné Muha, V.: Variation of electrical impedance parameters during the soaking of dry crops E562, pp.1
- Kaszab, T., S., Hartai, A. Lambert-Meretei, É. Stefanovits-Bányai: Physical and chemical analysis of gluten-free pasta enriched with pumpkin-, flax- and grapeseed flour E563, pp.1
- Gurazi, V., Dalanaj, N., Troja, R., Lulollari, S.: The Influence of Altitude on Yeast Biodiversity and Characterization in Albanian Endemic Decorative Plants E564, pp.1
- Vi N.H. Vu, Csilla Kohári-Farkas, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Quang D. Nguyen: Effect of the environmental factors on biological pretreatment using microbial consortium E565, pp.1
- Weizhe Sun, Erika Bujna, László Friedrich, Quang D. Nguyen: Stability of fermented and fortified apple juices by protein microencapsulated Lactiplantibacillus plantarum 299v during storage E566, pp.1
- Yllka Visoka, Mariem Majadi, Rreze M Gecaj, Kovács Zoltán: Assessing the Viability of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Classifying Goat Milk Samples Based on Breed, Lactation Period and Sampling Period E567, pp.1
- Zehua Huang,Ying Liu, Zhexin Hu, Zoltan Kovacs: Research Progress on Texture and Color of Plant-Based Meat Analogues: Raw Material Suitability, Texture Improvement, and Color Biomimetics E568, pp.1
- Z.H. Siyum, T.P. Thanh, L.P. Nguyen, L. Baranyai: Non-destructive monitoring of asparagus (Asparagus officinalis, L) quality changes during storage using NIR spectroscopy E569, pp.1
- Zoltán Sasvár, Zsuzsanna Horváth-Mezőfi, Gergő Szabó, Mónika Göb, Lien Le Phuong Nguyen, Koppány Majzinger, Tamás Zsom, Géza Hitka: Effect of 1-MCP preharvest treatment on apple quality characteristics at harvest time and during storage E570, pp.1
- Bimpong Donald, Amponsah Adofowaa Lois, Agyeman Ama, Zaukuu* John-Lewis Zinia, Boakye Abena, Oduro Nsa Ibok and Ellis William Otoo: Authenticating peanut butter and yoghurt in the kumasi metropolis of ghana using near-infrared spectroscopy E571, pp.8
- Maira Leščevica, Dalma Radványi, Alexandra Anderluh, Pamela Nolz, Sarah De Coninck, Sergiu Valentin Galatanu, Alexandros Xafis, Zahra Mesbahi: Circular Economy in action: where changes in thinking and attitude start E573, pp.1
- Krisztina Borsos, Gábor Rácz, Hárs Lilla, Gábor Lakner: Development of modular water treatment equipment based on MBR technology for the treatment of meat processing industry wastewater E574, pp.8
- Eszter Vozáry, Bíborka Gillay: Effect of weight loss on the electrical impedance parameters of lettuce and ice lettuce stored at room temperature E575, pp.1
- Jamilya Nurgazina, Pamela Nolz, Thomas Felberbauer: EDEN: aquaponics-based sustainable food production E576, pp.1
- Lueji Regatieri Santos, Juan Pablo Aguinaga Bosquez, György Bázár, Zoltan Kovacs: Optimization of the Measurement Parameters of the Electronic Tongue for the Classification of Different Fat Content Trappist Cheese E577, pp.1
- Flora Vitalis, Juan-Pablo Aguinaga Bósquez, Marietta Fodor, Viktória Zsom-Muha, Zoltan Gillay, Zoltan Kovacs: Near infrared spectroscopy-based modelling for the non-destructive assessment of cherry ripeness E578, pp.1
- Majd Elayan, Csaba Németh, Munkhnasan Enkhbold, László Friedrich, Boros Anikó, Adrienn Tóth: The effect of adding essential oils to liquid whole egg chemical and physical properties E579, pp.15
- Jakab, I.: Chemical properties and nutritional factors of 5 different pressed-cakes E580, pp.1
- Zhexin Hu, Sijin Gao, Hui Jin, Shuchang Li, Chuanshun Ren, Qiong Luo, Hongzhou An, Zehua Huang: Effects of Barley β-Glucan on Quality Characteristics of Twin-Screw Extruded Rice Noodles E590, pp.17
- M. A. Molnár, A. Mardjokic, A. Dettre, Sz. Bánvölgyi: Extraction of bioactive compounds of peppermint by ultrasound assisted method E510B, pp.1